April 10, 2021
A night to remember for current Junior and Senior Students at Chase High School but also we welcomed to return of our 2020 Chase High School graduating class to join in the beautiful night we missed last year. The events of the evening were a nearly two years in the making as this year the prom was co-prepared by both junior and senior classes after the cancelation of prom last year. Students spend three days preparing and with the assistance of their sponsor Mrs. Roxanna Habiger a beautiful evening occurred.
The night included a beautiful promenade in front of family and friends, a delicious dinner prepared by Poli Harrington, dessert by the talented Sharyna, and served by some wonderful Sophomore students, Jaden Friesner, Brandon Vise, Cassie Herrera, and Christian Cavender. After the meal we had the opportunity to pass out a few awards to the students which brought forth some laughter.
Then the dancing began, music was provided by our very own DJ, Mr. Paul English. Line dances and slow songs were a big hit with the students, but the dancing ended a bit earlier than expected as students were ready to hit the road by 10 p.m. I must also say that without the support of our chaperones, Matthew Perkins, Crystal & Mike Marzolf the evening may have lost a bit of sparkle.
The students were wonderful, and the smiles were magic as we watched each of these wonderful young men and women enjoy a special evening.