May was a busy month in USD 401. We said goodbye to a long time staple in our Elementary School with the retirement of Mrs. Carol Sieker. We enjoyed music programs, Kindergarten promotion, and awards nights.
We also graduated all 12 of the student in the class of 2021 on May 22, 2021. We had gifts for the seniors from the Alumni, First Bank Chase, and State Farm Agent Tori Tipp.
USD 401 followed that up with class field trips for all students at RJH and CHS. While the RJH students traditionally have a fun and educational trip, this year we added a trip for the classes of 2022 & 2023. The high school groups along with staff took a trip to Natoma, Ks, to do some service learning work and help a community in need.
USD 401 also celebrated the accomplishments of the Classes of 2024, and 2025 on the promotion to CHS, promotion this year included a cake and punch reception, ceremony, and a dance.
We finished out the week with the tradition of the RJH bike to Raymond.