Don't forget about our 3rd Nine Weeks Attendance Incentive! Students with Perfect Attendance will get to put a PIE in a staff members face!
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
3rd 9 Weeks Attendance Award
Mr. Robb Ross was selected as the January Above and Beyond Award Winner! Who will you select for February !
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Above and Beyond
Join us tonight at Chase for our last home game of the season! Varsity Girls will tip off at 6:00pm. Senior recognition will take place in between the Girls and Boys games. Not sure what to wear? Wear pink is support of our Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness. Lastly, if you're looking for more ways to support our students, I hear there will be Yoder beef sticks for sale, tickets for sale for a chance at a Traeger Grill (only 200 tickets being sold), AND Tory Tipp with State Farm will be doing a halftime contest during the Boys game. It's a busy night! Hope to see you here!!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Staten
The Barton Lady Cougars took on and beat Butler and our RJH basketball girls got to be there to watch it all go down. Just because the season is over doesn't mean team bonding has to end.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Staten
The Junior High Scholars Bowl event scheduled for tomorrow 02/16/2023 at Wilson has been rescheduled to Wednesday Feb 22, 2023. Start time will be 3:30 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Barton County Community College hosted an amazing opportunity for our students. We attended 8-12 and it was very engaging!
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
BCCC Career Fair
Homecoming Fun!- The Freshman class put on an awesome dance and party! A good time was had by all!
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Photo booth
Dance 1
Parents as Teachers Playgroup Activity this month.
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Happy Smiles Happy Child Playgroup Flyer
Chase HS Forensics traveled to compete at the Sylvan-Lucas Invitational. Wren Higgins broke into finals and came away with a 2nd place medal for her Serious Solo performance. This qualifies her for State Championships - the 2nd year in a row! The team is set to compete in Salina on Saturday.
almost 2 years ago, Paul English
Wren Higgins 2nd place at SLUHS.
"We were using a cow heart to discuss chambers of the heart😄 " Mr. Light (4th-7th Grade Science Teacher)
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Heart Chambers in 7th Grade Science
Student Led Wednesday, February 15, 2023. We will make every effort to honor your request and coordinate times with all the children in your home. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s school. Please return the request to the school office no later than Wednesday February 8, 2023 or complete the google form
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Chase HS Forensics traveled to Sterling this Saturday, February 4th with Jr. Kaiya Higgins and Soph. Wren Higgins. Each competed strongly, with Kaiya breaking into finals and bringing home the first medal of the season!
almost 2 years ago, Paul English
2023 Sterling HS 4N6
Streaming for tonight’s basketball game at So. Cloud will not be available live on our YouTube. NFHS may work so you can try at: The game will be uploaded on YouTube on Saturday.
almost 2 years ago, Paul English
Winter Homecoming is next week, February 6-10. The Winter Homecoming crowning ceremony will take place during half-time of the boys game.
almost 2 years ago, Paul English
Winter Homecoming Announcement
Winter Homecoming Announcement
Today our Chase Kats basketball team is traveling to Lincoln. Varsity girls will tip off at 6:00pm On Friday, Feb 3rd, the Kats will be headed to Glasco. Variety girls will tip off at 5:30pm
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Staten
Students at Raymond Jr. High created relief sculptures using Oreo cookies. Please vote for your favorite artwork in the link below. Prizes will be awarded to the student whose cookie receives the most votes per grade level, the overall winner, and the class with the highest average of votes. Voting closes February 14, 2023. Thank you! Mrs. Madden
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
128 Students Certificates were presented on Friday, January 27, 2023 to celebrate the scholastic achievements of the USD 401 students. WAY TO GO KATS AND DOGS!
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
Honor Roll 1
Honor Roll Students 2
Honor Roll Students 3
Opportunities to support our USD 401 Students this week: TLL Tournament this week for RJH. 01/24/2023 CHS Bball at Chase v Natoma 01/26/2023- NPL Scholars Bowl Tournament away The 5th grade class is performing a play about the 13 colonies. The performance is on January 26 during 6th hour. Performance to begin at 1:15 p.m. District Wide 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assembly Friday January 27, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. in the CHS Gym. We welcome any parents, family, or community members to watch
almost 2 years ago, Kylee McDonald
The Junior High basketball teams are off to the Twin Lakes League Tournament today! The brackets and play times are listed below.
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Staten
2023 TLL Bracket
Final game of the NPL Tournament on Friday, starting at 3:00. Streaming on YouTube:
almost 2 years ago, Paul English